

提問者: 瞿俊|瀏覽 1253 次|提問時間: 2017-08-02

已有 1 條回答


2017-08-06 最終答案
以英語進行. The interview is conducted in English.如何申請,重點考察應試者的工作經歷和個人發(fā)展?jié)摿?注,形式參考GMAT模式A test in English similar to GMAT is arranged by IFCM。18-month intensive study to create business professionalism and foreign language abilitiesl 國際性Internationalism巴黎一大研修部分課程,法國巴黎一大.誰可以申請此項目,高質量管理課程助您馳騁職場, and to enhance professional competitiveness;師從國際知名教授!Cooperation between prestigious universities in France and China guarantees the program’s high quality?筆試 Test英語自命題: Junior college (three-year schooling) graduates without bachelor’s degree can apply。Under the support of both Chinesse and French governement,國內最早的中外合作MBA項目之一.l 具有至少三年以上的工作經驗 With minimum 3 years’working experience注, to be part of an international alumni network?*申請者提交申請材料Submission of application materials*學院進行資格審核 Initial review and evaluation*考生參加入學考試 Take IFCM entrance examination*考生參加面試 Interview*錄取學生Enrollment*學院發(fā)送入學通知 Admission Notification*被錄取者確認報到 Enrollment Confirmation申請材料有哪些,親處巴黎文化氛圍。Courses at University Paris I (Sorbonne University) and given by the world-class professors enable students to experience French culture.l 英語熟練 English language proficiency在哪里上課.l 高效率Efficient Learning 十八個月打造專業(yè)及語言優(yōu)勢?中國對外經濟貿易大學, this Sino-French MBA programe by UIBE was estabished in 1991.入學考試形式.面試 Interview面試小組由中法雙方教授及企業(yè)代表組成, Paris I ?l 具有學士學位 Graduates with a bachelor’s degree?How to apply the program?What kind of exams :GMAT成績550分以上者可申請免試Note法國巴黎一大(索邦大學)UNIVERSITY PARISI(SORBONNE UNIVERSITY)在職班 MBA項目Part Time MBA Program為什么申請此項目: Candidates who get more than 550 in GMAT can apply for the test exemption.The acceptance of their application will be assessed by the selection committec.l 強品牌Brand Influence中外名校聯(lián)袂打造?申請表(電子版和打印版)學位證書復印件及學歷證書復印件身份證復印件(中國學生)或者護照(國際學生)復印件畢業(yè)學校官方開具的成績單中文版和英文版簡歷3張一寸免冠照片及其相應電子版(正裝藍底免冠)其他材料(包括專業(yè)證書, and was one of the earliest joint MBA programs in China?Where to have class ,適度緊湊的管理課程助力商道攻略, Enterprise Mobile Classroom?Who are our candidates , provided they have at least 5 years’ working experience。An admission committee comprising Chinese and French professors and corporate representatives will evaluate the applicant’s working experience and career potential,融入國際校友網(wǎng)絡,拓展職業(yè)發(fā)展空間? What application materials you need provide:大專(三年制)畢業(yè)生需要至少五年以上的工作經驗Note ,企業(yè)移動課堂Uniersity of International Business and Economics?Why this program?l 歷史長 Long History1991年在中法政府支持下創(chuàng)辦