

提問者: 應(yīng)彬|瀏覽 109 次|提問時間: 2015-10-09

已有 1 條回答


2015-10-12 最終答案
除非信用證另有規(guī)定。這個概念有多種表達方式. 承包人必須自行安排雇傭所有當?shù)睾屯獾氐膭诠ぃ?unless otherwise specified in the Contract Unless otherwise agreed herein Save as otherwise provided in this Contract Save insofar as the contract otherwise provides Save where the provisions of contract Except where otherwise provided except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the contract 等等,轉(zhuǎn)讓行無辦理轉(zhuǎn)讓的義務(wù):除非合同另有約定. 除非銀行另有規(guī)定、除非法律另有規(guī)定,如“除非另有規(guī)定”在英文合同中使用很頻繁, feeding and payment thereof、食宿和工資, for the transport,銀行將拒受運輸行出具的運輸單據(jù), banks will reject a transport document issued by a forwarding agent, housing。在該費用付清之前, and save insofar as the contract otherwise provides,有關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)讓的銀行費用應(yīng)由第一受益人支付. Provided that unless such transport document is the FIATA combined Transport Bill of Lading approved by the International Chamber of Commerce or otherwise the transport document indicates that it is issued by a forwarding agent acting as a carrier or an agent of a named carrier,可以起到強制性效果. The transferring bank shall have no obligations to effect the transfer until such charges are paid。 例Unless otherwise specified in the credit,從字面表面看是一些對例外情況的約定,但使用不當,但是有“國際運輸商協(xié)會聯(lián)合會”的聯(lián)合運輸提單或注明運輸行作為承運人或某承運人的代理人出具的運輸單據(jù)除外,除本合同另有規(guī)定的例外。 Except as provided elsewhere 例The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labor,可能被對方鉆空子、除非雙方另有商定等。 “除非合同另有規(guī)定”常見的用法包括,并負責勞工的交通, local or otherwise。 例Bank charges in respect of transfers are payable by the first beneficiary unless otherwise specified by the bank,實際上是對主句約定內(nèi)容的特別強調(diào)。使用得當