  • 展會
  • 展館
  • 國內(nèi)展會
  • 國際展會


  • 國內(nèi)展館
  • 國際展館


  • 全球展覽館
  • 13/128


場館地址: 河北省廊坊市開發(fā)區(qū)友誼路中段

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: 廊坊國際會議展覽中心共承辦各類大型展覽會近500多場,其中包括:河北省經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易洽談會、中國(廊坊)農(nóng)產(chǎn)品交易會、中國(廊坊)漁具展銷訂貨會、中國國際電梯展覽會、中國(國際)石油天然氣管道展、中國國際教育展、中國廊坊國際信鴿展等國際國內(nèi)知名品牌展會,承接重大慶典活動500多場,接待市級以上會議2000多場。廊坊國際會議展覽中心展覽面積達60000平方米。其中室內(nèi)展覽面積30000平方米,地面承重5噸/平方米,并配有先進的安防系統(tǒng)、廣播系統(tǒng)、無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)。室外展覽面積30000平方米。


場館地址: 石家莊橋西區(qū)站前街原石家莊老火車站候車大廳

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: 現(xiàn)在的石家莊原火車站會展中心一層展覽面積是8000平米,整個場館總面積1萬平米,門前的解放廣場面積達25000平米,是目前省會面積最大的展覽展示中心。昔日的火車站拉來了石家莊、今天的會展中心拉來了八方商機,作為石家莊的地標建筑,石家莊原火車站也憑借它獨有的歷史淵源,強大的地理優(yōu)勢成為省內(nèi)、甚至國內(nèi)首屈一指的國際會展中心而邁進。 


場館地址: 唐山市建華東道與東外環(huán)路交叉口唐山鳳凰花卉會展中心

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: 鳳凰花卉綜合展示交易中心是唐山市規(guī)模最大、基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施最完善、 環(huán)境最好的花卉展示及交易場所?;ɑ芫C合展示交易中心面積為2萬平方米,是現(xiàn)代化智能型輕鋼結(jié)構(gòu)連棟式溫室,大廳披覆德國拜爾技術(shù)優(yōu)質(zhì)的陽光板,帶有半自動外遮陽、內(nèi)遮陽系統(tǒng)。冬天自備鍋爐供暖,夏天利用以色列技術(shù)的風(fēng)機濕簾,通過空氣中產(chǎn)生的負壓,進行降溫。此外,大廳的通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)、灌溉系統(tǒng)、結(jié)構(gòu)工程等均采用我國先進的技術(shù)和設(shè)備。


場館地址: 濟南市工業(yè)南路28號

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: ◆ 濟南國際會展中心位于市區(qū)東部國家級高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)。南臨市區(qū)主干道工業(yè)南路,東連與濟青、京福高速公路相通的繞城高速公路,西接中心城區(qū)二環(huán)東路。場館建筑面積15萬平方米,室內(nèi)可供展覽面積5.2萬平方米,分為B、C、D、E四個區(qū)共12個展廳,可設(shè)近3000個國際標準展位,室外廣場面積10萬平方米。擁有800座的國際報告廳和26個不同類型、規(guī)模的多功能廳、會議室、貴賓廳和電子商務(wù)室。

捷克布爾諾展覽中心(Brno Exhibition Centre)

場館地址: Výstaviště 405/1,60300 Brno,Czech Republic

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: Brno Exhibition Center is a convention centre based in Brno, Czech Republic. It was established in 1928. The centre occupies a site on 667,000 square metres (7,180,000 sq ft) and provides a total gross exhibition area of 203,523 square metres (2,190,700 sq ft) including open-air space and exhibition halls with an exhibition area of 72,057 square metres (775,620 sq ft). The centre has 15 exhibition halls with a visitor capacity of 25,000–30,000 (maximum 60,000) a day.

Cunard中心(Cunard Centre)

場館地址: 961 Marginal Road (Pier 23),Halifax, Nova Scotia,B3H 4P6, Canada

主要目的: 展覽

場館介紹: Cunard Centre is a waterfront cargo shed renovated into a large multipurpose, year round event centre. Cunard Centre is located at Pier 23, behind the Westin Nova Scotian hotel, as part of the Halifax Port Authority’s SeaPort redevelopment. The venue’s sheer size, 45,000 square feet of column free space, boasts one of the largest capacities for events in Halifax. The Cunard Centre can accommodate a variety of functions, from formal banquets for up to 2200 guests, receptions and concerts for 4,000 people, trade and consumer shows, to charity and fundraising events and product launches. This multi-functional facility embraces innovation, with creative design and a state-of-the-art kitchen. Guests of Cunard Centre can be outside on the “Brow”, and watch as ships maneuver through the busy Halifax port. In season, guests are privileged to view some of the largest cruise ships in the world, which tie up adjacent to Cunard Centre when visiting Halifax. The Cunard Centre has bookings for many international conferences and events, and the general public can access the site during such public events as the NS Designer Craft Council Christmas Craft Show, NSLC Festival of Wines, and Word On The Street. Other events booked include corporate and formal dinners, lobster suppers, trade shows, and weddings.


場館地址: 石家莊市中山東路252號

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: 石家莊國際會展中心選址在滹沱河與太平河交叉口以西地段,具體位置為:滹沱河南岸以南、太平河北路以北,規(guī)劃南北支路以東,總用地面積1018畝。 建設(shè)內(nèi)容及建設(shè)規(guī)模。 石家莊國際會展中心總建筑面積16萬平方米,其中展覽中心10萬平方米,會議中心6萬平方米。

悉尼摩爾公園(Moore Park)

場館地址: Anzac Pde Moore Park

主要目的: 展覽

場館介紹: Moore Park is a large area of parkland in the south-eastern suburbs of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. It is part of Centennial Parklands, a collective of three parks being Moore Park, Centennial Park and Queens Park.  Centennial Parklands is administered by the Centennial Park & Moore Park Trust, a NSW government agency. The only exception is the land on which the Sydney Cricket Ground and Sydney Football Stadium are sited; these stadiums are managed by the Sydney Cricket Ground Trust. Moore Park is also a small suburb in its own right, as is Centennial Park. Moore Park is located 3 kilometres southeast of the Sydney central business district and is part of local government area of the City of Sydney.

馬來西亞雪莪萊Mines國際展覽中心Mines International Exhibition Centre

場館地址: B1, MIECC, Jalan Dulang, MINES Wellness City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

主要目的: 展覽,會議,演唱會,宴會

場館介紹: The Malaysia International Exhibition & Convention Centre (MIECC) has emerged as Malaysia’s premier exhibition venue, having hosted a multitude of major events, both regional and international. The total built up area for this building is approximately 1.2 million sq ft and offers more than 20,000 banquet seating capacity. MIECC’s pledge to provide superb facilities together with efficient, helpful and  customer oriented approach makes it the most natural choice for some of the world’s most important and largest events. We are proud of the legacy we have created and will continue to bring prestigious national an international events to our community. MIECC was designed to provide utmost versatility and functionality ton clients and consumers. There is a variety of events space that can be chosen to fit any capacity, from a large multipurpose hall, to 1,552sqm of meeting and seminar areas, to office rooms and work stations. All facilities at MIECC are completed with interiors of subtle elegance, cozy furnishings and state-of-the-art facilities. With a proven track record and embedded experiences, the management team of MIECC is an ideal partner for not just a venue provider but also for private banquets, indoor concerts, symposiums,  theme parties and even company Annual General Meetings etc. The team lauds is expertise in managing indoor events of over 10,000 pax and has its own F&B culinary team to cater up to 8,000 pax for sit-down banquets. Other walking-distance attractions and facilities include two hotels, spas, shopping mall, 18-hole golf course, serviced apartments and many F&B outlet options. (Please view map) With all the above comprehensive facilities and its team of dedicated staff striving for service-excellence, MIECC strives to be the “preferred” venue for all.


場館地址: 北京天安門西側(cè)

主要目的: 會議

場館介紹: 中華人民共和國中央政府人民大會堂位于中國北京市中心天安門廣場西側(cè),西長安街南側(cè)。人民大會堂是中國全國人民代表大會開會地,是全國人民代表大會常務(wù)委員會的辦公場所。


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