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薩爾布呂肯展覽中心(MesseZentrum Saarbrücken)

場館地址: 66007 Saarbrücken Germany

主要目的: 展覽,會議,演唱會

場館介紹: 薩爾布呂肯展覽中心有13個(gè)展館,占地面積26000平方米,其中室內(nèi)場館25000平方米,還有寬敞的露天場地,以及現(xiàn)代化的技術(shù)設(shè)備。 薩爾布呂肯展覽中心提供了展銷會,企業(yè)活動,露天音樂會等大型活動的最佳條件。 展覽中心交通便利,有步行距離,自己的高速公路出口處以內(nèi)的無障礙停車位數(shù)量充足,并連接到公共交通。

伊斯坦布爾TUYAP展覽中心(Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center)

場館地址: E-5 Karayolu,Gürpinar Kavsagi,Büyükçekmece,34522,Istanbul,Turkey

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center is the meeting point for international trade fairs in Istanbul,the cradle of civilizations offering numerous business opportunities today and also for tomorrow. Exhibitors and visitors from many countries all over the world benefit from services at national and international standards supported by a well-established infrastructure within the context of more than 50 fairs and activities.


場館地址: London Heathrow Stockley Road, West Drayton Middlesex , UB7 9NA UK

主要目的: 會議,宴會

場館介紹: 這家方便、令人輕松的現(xiàn)代倫敦希思羅酒店靠近所有的機(jī)場候機(jī)樓,其中包括5號航站樓。   您可以在高速公路交界找到酒店,距離高速公路2分鐘車程。距離倫敦市中心20分鐘車程或從機(jī)場候機(jī)樓乘坐希思羅機(jī)場快線,交通十分便利。   4星級豪華的Crowne Plaza倫敦希思羅酒店地理位置優(yōu)越,靠近希思羅機(jī)場,提供465間設(shè)備齊全和寬敞的客房,包括貴賓房,行政套房,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)客房,家庭無障礙客房,還有一個(gè)俱樂部休閑室。

德國腓德烈斯哈芬市國際展覽中心Messegelände Friedrichshafen

場館地址: P.O. Box 2080 88010 Friedrichshafen Germany

主要目的: 展覽,會議,演唱會

場館介紹: Opened in 2002, Messe Friedrichshafen lies centrally in the heart of Europe. Located in the direct vicinity of Switzerland and Austria, the venue offers many branches the ideal access to markets. The area around Messe Friedrichshafen is characterized by high purchasing power, low unemployment and an innovative economy.  Friedrichshafen Airport is experiencing rapid growth and offers countless direct flights both to German urban centers and to international destinations. Furthermore, perfect connections to Zurich Airport are also ensured thanks to combined ferry/train and catamaran/train services.   With over six million overnight stays, the “City of Lake Constance“ boasts an excellent tourism infrastructure. The ambiance of the lake, its majestic mountain backdrop and the flair of historical towns offer endless scope for staging very moving events.  Whatever the occasion – whether it‘s a company event, trade fair, public exhibition, rock concert or TV production – at Friedrichshafen you can be sure of getting right to the heart! Plus, Friedrichshafen is also the ideal place for hosting unforgettable fringe events.

臺北貿(mào)易中心南港展覽館 Taipei Nangang Exhibition center

場館地址: 南港區(qū)經(jīng)貿(mào)二路1號

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹:     96年7月底完工、97年3月13日正式營運(yùn)的南港展覽館,為一擁有上、下層展廳、計(jì)可規(guī)劃 2,467個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)攤位的大型專業(yè)展覽館,不但展示面積為臺北世貿(mào)展覽大樓的兩倍大,其所擁有的8間會議室(可彈性隔間為12間)、3間餐廳及7間面對馬路的商店,均將提供使用者更為人性化及便利性的服務(wù)與設(shè)施。     南港展覽館的上層展場屋頂跨距達(dá)126 x 180公尺,凈高14.3~27.3公尺,全區(qū)無柱位,適合在展覽空檔期間舉辦大型演唱會、大型集會、各種球類及技擊類體育競賽。為打造國際級、一流的會展空間,貿(mào)協(xié)將針對南港展覽館的特性,評估增設(shè)多項(xiàng)營運(yùn)設(shè)備,包括多國語言的展場指標(biāo)及線上導(dǎo)覽系統(tǒng)、全館無線上網(wǎng)等。

尼日利亞拉各斯Tafawa Balewa廣場(Tafawa Balewa Square)

場館地址: Tafawa Balewa Square, Race Course, Lagos Island.

主要目的: 展覽,體育賽事

場館介紹: Tafawa Balewa廣場位于尼日利亞拉各斯,是尼日利亞較為高端的活動舉辦地。廣場有著375間辦公室、多功能大廳能容納600-800坐席。多功能大廳適用于室內(nèi)展覽、研討會和一些社交功能。大廳舞臺和其它戶外空間亦能夠提供椅子、桌子、戶外帳篷等來滿足活動舉辦需求。 Tafawa Balewa廣場的主場首層達(dá)36000平方米,能容納58000個(gè)座位,適用于各種各樣的活動例如交易會/展覽、聚會、音樂會、政府集會、選舉活動、婚宴、嘉年華、宗教集會等等。其中Tafawa Balewa廣場戶外與室內(nèi)的廣告位置非常熱門。廣場附近大量的車輛流通和場館舉辦的活動頻率使廣告商的信息與產(chǎn)品能夠高效、迅速地傳達(dá)給潛在消費(fèi)者。

巴黎布爾歇展覽中心Paris Le Bourget Exhibition centre

場館地址: Carrefour Charles Lindbergh, 93350 Le Bourget,France

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: Le Bourget Exhibition Centre is nestled in Paris, France. It hosts some of the renowned special events related to aviation, air shows, trade shows, and conferences and so on. Lots of visitors, organizer and exhibitor gather at the exhibition centre to take the advantage of flexible spaces with modern amenities build for them. The visitors and various companies are matching their footsteps with growing needs of the different events and trade shows. Le Bourget Exhibition Centre hosts all kinds of exhibitions (indoor and outdoor trade fairs and consumer exhibitions, etc.) and every imaginable type of corporate event (Christmas shows, product launches, rallies, corporate conventions, etc.)   Paris Le Bourget is equipped with five exhibition halls comprising 80,000 sq.m of covered exhibition space and 350,000 sq.m of outdoor exhibition area. The conference rooms for this venue is given out to rent only if the Exhibition space is rented for the same event.

中國國家會議中心 (China National Convention Center)

場館地址: 北京市朝陽區(qū)北辰東路8號

主要目的: 展覽,會議,宴會

場館介紹: 2008年8月8日,舉世矚目的奧運(yùn)會在北京舉行。坐落在北京奧林匹克公園中心區(qū)內(nèi),緊鄰鳥巢和水立方的國家會議中心也成為世界的焦點(diǎn)。國家會議中心作為主新聞中心、國際廣播中心,還是奧運(yùn)會的擊劍比賽以及現(xiàn)代五項(xiàng)的擊劍和氣手槍比賽的場館。殘奧會結(jié)束后,國家會議中心進(jìn)行了內(nèi)部改造,于2009年11月盛大開幕。 國家會議中心是由北京北辰實(shí)業(yè)股份有限公司投資建設(shè)的,總占地面積12公頃,總建筑面積53萬平方米,總投資50億,建筑南北長400米,東西寬150米,檐高40米。其中會議、展覽面積27萬平方米,配套項(xiàng)目建筑面積26萬平方米(包括兩家酒店、兩棟寫字樓),是目前亞洲最大的會議中心。  國家會議中心會議區(qū)共有大小會議室百余個(gè),可同時(shí)接納20,000余人開會,其中大會堂可同時(shí)接待6,000人的會議;廚房設(shè)備可以同時(shí)供應(yīng)10,000余人用餐,其中大宴會廳可同時(shí)舉辦3,500人的宴會;展覽區(qū)面積40,000平方米。 國家會議中心大酒店擁有420間客房,與國家會議中心有連廊相通,步行僅需3分鐘。

印第安納會議中心(Indiana Convention Center)

場館地址: 100 South Capitol Ave, Indianapolis United States

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: The Indiana Convention Center is a major convention center located in Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. It presently contains over 1,300,000 square feet (120,000 m2) of space for convention/meeting uses including over 566,000 square feet (50,000 m2) of open exhibit space and almost 140,000 square feet (13,000 m2) of group meeting space. The original structure was completed in 1972 and initially covered two blocks on a site located south of Maryland Street and west of Capitol Avenue. It now stretches over the majority of six blocks, not including the connected facilities of Lucas Oil Stadium. In total, there are 71 meeting rooms and multiple food courts.

印度諾伊達(dá)Mart展館(India Expo Mart)

場館地址: Plot No. 25,27,28,29, KnowledgePark-||, Greater Noida - 201306 Uttar Pradesh , India

主要目的: 展覽

場館介紹: India Expo Centre and Mart is spread over 58 acres of land and has a unique combination Trade Marts with Exhibition & Convention Facilities, Lawn, Business Centre, Restaurants, Transportation facilities and sufficient Parking Area for over 4,000 cars and 30 Buses/Trucks inside the complex. It is well linked to the main Ring Road of Delhi through 8 lane expressway. Air-Conditioned and Wi-Fi enabled, it has well equipped storage and warehousing facilities and central public address system with the most recent in Multimedia, Telecommunications and high speed Internet Connectivity under one roof, it is the perfect venue for Trade Fairs, Exhibitions, Conferences and such other theme-based international events.


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