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  • 22/128

安塔利亞博覽中心Antalya Expo Centre

場館地址: Pinarli Beldesi 07110 Aksu - Antalya Turkey

主要目的: 展覽

場館介紹:     AEC (Antalya Expo Center)  was put into service in April 1999 by ANFAS (Antalya Fair Management and Investment Co.). AEC is established on an area of 65.000 m2 and the covered stand space on both layers is 40.000 m2 in total.         The two layers are linked one another both via double-return moving stairway and stairs from four sides. With its column-free architecture style of main halls, Antalya Expo Center is very suitable to host sectoral fairs, sports activities, concerts and congresses for up to 10.000 people in cinema order of sitting and for up to 4.000 persons in congress order of sitting.       Our Center provides service as a modern complex with its 6 main halls, 18 panels in various sizes with a seating capacity of up to 800 persons, commission and study rooms and 2000 –vehicle capacity car park.

艾恩展覽中心(Al Ain Exhibition Centre)

場館地址: Al Ain UAE - United Arab Emirates

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: 在參展艾恩會議中心向您提供一個機會,互動,并從你的一些行業(yè)最有活力的球員學(xué)習(xí)。 阿聯(lián)酋正逐漸成為商務(wù)活動,會議,展覽和貿(mào)易展覽為重要的全球目標(biāo)。參展在世界上增長最快的經(jīng)濟體之一暴露出商家的最新創(chuàng)新和市場發(fā)展趨勢。 位于阿布扎比的繁華艾因市,艾恩會議中心是一家領(lǐng)先的場地,提供無可比擬的展覽設(shè)施和屢獲殊榮的服務(wù),主辦,組織和管理您的活動。 艾恩會展中心已被公認(rèn)為最好的會議及會議中心在中東地區(qū)的商業(yè)目的地旅游大獎2013。

華沙貿(mào)易博覽會和會議中心(Warsaw Trade Fair and Congress Center Mt Polska)

場館地址: 56, Marsa Street Warsaw Poland

主要目的: 展覽,會議,演唱會,宴會,體育賽事

場館介紹: 華沙貿(mào)易博覽會和會議中心,它提供了無限的機會,舉辦各種活動的主辦方的幾個地方之一:交易會,活動,時裝秀,宴會,晚會,會議論壇,會議,演唱會,體育賽事。 MT Polskatokompleks中心的15 200平方米,總面積,其中10萬平方米。展覽廳 - 一個屋檐下,4 000平方米下在華沙只有這樣的空間。室外區(qū)域,而1 200平方米。他們占據(jù)的辦公和會議設(shè)施。

戰(zhàn)斗展覽中心(Batalha Centro de Exposições)

場館地址: 2441-951 Batalha Portugal

主要目的: 展覽

場館介紹: 戰(zhàn)斗展覽中心在伊比利亞半島的更大的私人展覽中心,包括室內(nèi)展覽面積22.000平方米的。

印度旁遮普大學(xué)(Punjab University, India)

場館地址: 1997-2005, Punjab Chandigarh, India

主要目的: 會議

場館介紹: 自創(chuàng)建以來,旁遮普就是一所集教育與實驗于一身的機構(gòu),是印度在穆斯林聚居地區(qū)的第一所高等教育機構(gòu)。此書由該校的第一位歷史學(xué)教授 J.F.·布魯斯(J.F. Bruce,1867–1933 年)于 1933 年出版。他在書中介紹了大學(xué)創(chuàng)建之初的情況,以及執(zhí)政的王子、官員以及學(xué)術(shù)領(lǐng)域發(fā)展方面的重要人物對學(xué)校的捐贈。這些重要人物包括匈牙利裔英國人 G.W.·萊特納(G.W. Leitner,第一任司法常務(wù)官?)、A.C.·沃爾納(A.C. Woolner,1928–36 年擔(dān)任副校長)。布魯斯介紹了大學(xué)的發(fā)展情況,包括憲法基礎(chǔ)、其教育和服務(wù)部門以及課外活動。書中收錄有全體教職人員和管理人員的照片,以及校長、各學(xué)院院長、獲得學(xué)位的畢業(yè)生和其他與大學(xué)發(fā)展相關(guān)的人員的名單。 曾培養(yǎng)出三名諾貝爾獎得主。設(shè)有文科、理科、工科、藥學(xué)、法學(xué)、商法、教育學(xué)、伊斯蘭及東方學(xué)八個教學(xué)部?! ∨哉谄沾髮W(xué)現(xiàn)設(shè)有4個校區(qū),14個學(xué)院;目前有在校生25000人,全職教師650名。

印度加爾各答ITC聲納酒店(ITC Sonar)

場館地址: Jbs Haldane Avenue, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700046, Kolkata, India

主要目的: 會議,宴會

場館介紹: 印度加爾各答ITC 聲納酒店位于印度加爾各答,是家5星級酒店,是加爾各答最熱門的酒店之一。也是您來到加爾各答商務(wù)和休閑的熱門之選,來加爾各答的游客很大比例會選擇預(yù)訂ITC 聲納加爾各答酒店。絕對算加爾各答豪華酒店,不論酒店的外景還是內(nèi)景,都沒的說,特別美,服務(wù)態(tài)度也是非常親切的,有種來了就不想走的感覺。酒店,距離Maidan Metro Station直線距離約5公里。

德國紐倫堡展覽中心Exhibition Centre Nuremberg

場館地址: Messezentrum, 90471 Nürnberg, Germany

主要目的: 展覽,會議,演唱會

場館介紹: NürnbergMesse is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world.  The portfolio covers some 120 national and international exhibitions and congresses and approx. 40 sponsored pavilions at the Nürnberg location and worldwide.  Every year, around 30,000 exhibitors (international share: 41 %) and up to 1.4 million visitors (international share of trade visitors: 24 %) participate in the own, partner and guest events of the NürnbergMesse Group, which is present with subsidiaries in China, North America, Brazil, Italy and now also India.The group also has a network of about 50 representatives operating in approx. 100 countries.

迪拜國際機場展覽中心Dubai World Central

場館地址: Emirates Rd, Dubai

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: Built south of the city, close to the fast growing areas of “new Dubai”, DWC lies at the heart of an entire airport city. The airport opened on June 27, 2010 for cargo operations followed by passenger flights in October 2013.   Once completed, this airport will be the world’s largest global gateway with capacity for more than 160 million passengers per year. It will also serve as a multi-modal logistics hub for 12 million tonnes of freight.   Al Maktoum International at Dubai World Central (DWC) is Dubai’s airport of the future. DWC opened the doors to its 5-7 million capacity passenger terminal passengers on October 27, 2013, while cargo operations were launched much earlier on June 27, 2010. Upon completion, DWC will become the world’s largest airport with an ultimate capacity of more than 160 million passengers and 12 million tonnes of cargo per annum. The airport forms the heart of a greater project also called Dubai World Central, a 140 km2 multiphase development of six clustered zones that includes the Dubai Logistics City (DLC), Commercial City, Residential City, Aviation City and the Golf City.

柏林機場會議中心Berlin Expo Center Airport( BECA )

場館地址: Messestraße 1, 12529 Schönefeld,German

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: At Berlin ExpoCenter Airport event organisers have more than 20,000 m2 of hall space and approximately 129,000 m2 of outdoor areas for temporary buildings at their disposal in order to realise their ideas.   All three halls are pillar-free constructions and ideal for trade fairs, events or presentations.   The ground plate consists or reinforced steel fibre concrete. Even the heaviest of objects can be transported into the halls where they can positioned by heavy duty forklift trucks.   The roof of each hall is supported along its entire length by a framework of steel supports, each 6 metres apart, to which suspension points can be attached as required (approximately every 4 metres).   Each of the three halls can be accessed from the main road via a three-storey head-end building. An entrance foyer, WC facilities, information counter and first aid room are located on the ground floor. Offices, meeting rooms with WC facilities and rooms housing technical installations are located on the first floor.   Heating and air-conditioning inside the halls are centrally controlled. Low and high-voltage mains connections for supplying electricity to the floor areas can be fed from within the halls via floor ducts and covers in the ground plate to their respective take-off points.

日本東京展覽中心(Tokyo Big Sight)

場館地址: Tokyo Big Sight Inc. 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0063

主要目的: 展覽,演唱會

場館介紹: 我們?yōu)榭蛻籼峁┥虅?wù)支持服務(wù),歡迎隨時與我們聯(lián)系。店內(nèi)提供免費WIFI,銷售東京Big Sight特色商品及辦公用品。 電話號碼 : +81-3-3599-1292 營業(yè)時間 : 9:00-18:00 定期休息日 : 無(除設(shè)施檢修日外) 東京國際展示場內(nèi)無任何設(shè)備可將美元、歐元兌換成日元。 東京國際展示場周圍有外幣兌換自動取款機。 【美元兌日元】 -有明太陽道酒店 (03-5530-3610) -東京灣有明華盛頓酒店 (03-5564-0111) -通濟隆自動取款機(維納斯城堡1 樓樂購仕前) 【歐元兌日元】 -通濟隆自動取款機(維納斯城堡 1 樓樂購仕前) -通濟隆分行(臺場購物廣場 1 樓)(03-3527-6172)


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