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  • 全球展覽館
  • 23/128

英國阿伯丁會(huì)展中心 (AECC)

場館地址: Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8BL, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議,宴會(huì),體育賽事

場館介紹: AECC is one of the only conference centres in the UK with our own in-house teams for Catering, Exhibition, PCO, AV/IT and Event Management. AECC is known as the National Energy Exhibition Centre. AECC host a total of 569 events per year, with a total footfall of  207,665 visitors! AECC and Aberdeen are very accessible with great transport links to this historic and successful city, and to some of Scotland’s finest scenery and heritage! Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) was established as a Limited Liability Company in 1985, when the Centre at the Bridge of Don first opened, built primarily as a permanent Venue to house Offshore Europe.

伊斯坦布爾展覽中心(?stanbul Expo Center)

場館地址: Yesilkoy CNR Expo, 34149 Bakirkoy / Istanbul, Turkey

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議,宴會(huì)

場館介紹: CNR Expo is one of the world’s leading trade fair organisers, with over 30 years experience in the industry.  Our mission was to establish a modern and international identity for the Turkish exhibition industry and we now organize more than 50 international trade fairs, including such prestigious and well-known exhibitions such as: Evteks, Eurasia Boat Show, Aymod, Aysaf, Paintistanbul, Texbridge, EDT Expo and Natural Stone. Our fairs bring together thousands of exhibitors and hundred of thousands of visitors each year, with eight inter-connected halls providing 150,000 sqm indoor space and 120,000 square meters outdoor space. Our first rate exhibition halls provide flexibility, comfort and the highest standards of service to our customers. 

高點(diǎn)國際家居展覽中心HP IHFC

場館地址: 209 S. Main Street, High Point, North Carolina(NC)27260, U.S.A.

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議,宴會(huì)

場館介紹: High Point Market features an amazing 12 million square feet of showroom and exhibit space and 2,000 manufacturers in multiple buildings in downtown High Point, making it by far the world’s largest home furnishings market; and the one Market you just can not afford to miss.  Each Market attracts more than 75,000 industry professionals who come to buy, learn, and network with thought-leaders, trend-setters, and industry experts providing an abundance of products and fresh ideas.


場館地址: 上海市嘉定區(qū)寶安公路4339號(近F1賽車場)

主要目的: 會(huì)議,宴會(huì)

場館介紹: 上海唐朝酒店是嘉定區(qū)唯一一家按五星級標(biāo)準(zhǔn)建造的豪華超大型會(huì)議酒店。酒店地處上海市嘉定區(qū)安亭鎮(zhèn)。位于嘉定新城中心圈內(nèi),是2010上海世博會(huì)第一批簽約的指定接待酒店,毗鄰上海F1國際賽車場P+R集散中心。酒店正對18洞博而地高爾夫俱樂部,周邊景點(diǎn)眾多、環(huán)境優(yōu)美。 上海唐朝酒店總占地面積45畝,共計(jì)33層,建筑面積10萬平方米。共擁有1162間客房及15間可容納10-1500人的會(huì)議場地,是華東地區(qū)客房數(shù)量最多的五星級會(huì)議酒店。 酒店緊鄰S5、G15、G2、G1501高速公路上下出入口,距離虹橋樞紐20分鐘車程,距離京滬高鐵安亭北站5分鐘車程,距離奧特萊斯品牌直銷廣場25分鐘車程,距離火車站和上海南站40分鐘車程(一級公路直達(dá)),多條公交線路途經(jīng)酒店,上海軌道交通11號線直達(dá)唐朝酒店!規(guī)劃中的軌交13、14、16、17號線將陸續(xù)開通。

巴黎大皇宮(Grand Palais)

場館地址: 3 Avenue du Général Eisenhower, 75008 Paris

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議,演唱會(huì)

場館介紹: 巴黎大皇宮(Grand Palais)位于巴黎香榭麗舍大道,是為了舉辦1900年世界博覽會(huì)所興建的。世博會(huì)后,其他建筑拆除,獨(dú)留下巴黎大皇宮和埃菲爾鐵塔這兩座建筑作為法國及巴黎市的象征。這座已經(jīng)有100年歷史的建筑,現(xiàn)在是一個(gè)公共展覽廳,舉辦過時(shí)尚名人伊夫·圣羅蘭的拍賣會(huì),也開過克里斯蒂安·博爾坦斯基的個(gè)展,并且還會(huì)舉行各式各樣的大型節(jié)慶活動(dòng)。 巴黎大皇宮獨(dú)立藝術(shù)家作品展于1884年在巴黎創(chuàng)辦,每年在巴黎大皇宮舉行,是法國最具歷史意義的藝術(shù)展之一。眾多才華橫溢的藝術(shù)家年輕時(shí)都曾在這里展出自己的作品,包括梵高、塞尚、雷諾阿、馬蒂斯、達(dá)利、畢加索,他們當(dāng)時(shí)還尚未聞名于世。

維戈會(huì)展中心Instituto Ferial de Vigo(IFEVI)

場館地址: Avda. do Aeroporto, 772. 36318 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議

場館介紹: Founded in 1998, the Fundación Instituto Ferial Vigo (IFEVI) is committed to serving the professional and social sectors of the Euro-region, becoming the best showcase of Vigo and northern Portugal. Its dynamic nature, non-profit interest, and clear vocation as an institution that generates services, today make it an obligatory meeting point of the professionals of the northwest peninsular.   In a 100000 m2 area IFEVI divides this space into two areas spread over Building Services, the hub for the bulk of the conference and entertainment activities, and 30,000 m2 of halls mainly earmarked to be the centre of attention for fairs and halls that host a wide multidisciplinary leisure and business offer at every event.   The premises are equipped with the latest technologies, and structural and organisational facilities . Adequate qualification and design of functional spaces designed to meet any requirements of fair, congress or sports- and entertainment event s, is one of the reasons, together with the strategic location of the premises, that has favoured its position as our first significant industrial and economic showcase.


場館地址: V.le G. Galilei, 133 - 54036 Marina di Carrara (MS)

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議

場館介紹: The faircomplex is strategically located in Central-Northern Italy, lying along the border of Tuscany and Liguria. Within easy reach of any means of transport, it is at the center of a dense fast-connecting network: airports, railways and motorways.   The modular system, the flexibility of the structure and the modernity of the facilities allow for different solutions suited to meet all different requirements. The multipurpose and modern facilities may host top-level exhibitions, providing a perfect fruition of spaces. The pavilions are joined by metal/glass covered passages creating a constant connection among the covered structures.   The available high-standard equipment and services allow matching the requirements of any kind of event.   The special care paid to the architectural design confers elegance and beauty on the complex - a few steps away from the shore - extending over a 95000 sq. m. total area, 34.000 sq. m. of which are covered. The large outdoor spaces are specifically fit for such events as meetings and shows.

鹽宮會(huì)議中心(Salt Palace Convention Center)

場館地址: 100 S. West Temple,SMG Admin, 3rd Floor,Salt Lake City, UT 84101

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議,宴會(huì)

場館介紹: Located in the heart of downtown Salt Lake City, the Salt Palace Convention Center is the perfect place for meetings of any size or occasion. From full-facility conventions to one-room meetings, our staff will provide the highest level of service and attention to detail. The Salt Palace Convention Center is an integral part of the vibrant downtown scene that can make your next event unforgettable. The Salt Palace Convention Center offers everything you need to make your event a success. The Facility Services Department will coordinate all your orders to ensure everything is processed quickly. We offer a variety of services including: 2GB high-speed Internet access and wireless system that can accommodate over 10,000 concurrently-running devices.  Telephone Security Cable Business Center conveniently located to handle shipping, receiving, copies and more.

Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC)

場館地址: 10th Mile, Tumkur Road, Madavara Post, Dasanapura Hobli, Bangalore 562 123, India

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議,演唱會(huì)

場館介紹: 班加羅爾展覽中心為參展商和觀眾提供了世界一流標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的服務(wù)設(shè)施,在印度展覽中心中最受追捧之一。有34英畝的多功能展覽廳,會(huì)議室和培訓(xùn)室。另外還補(bǔ)充了補(bǔ)充其40000平方米,三個(gè)美觀和功能齊全的展廳,具有5000平方米開放的展示廳,完全適合展示大型和重型的機(jī)器。除了展覽管理設(shè)施,每個(gè)廳都有貴賓休息室和商務(wù)中心。會(huì)議中心,為參展商和觀眾配套舒適的有美食街等配套服務(wù)地址:

新平會(huì)展中心Tan Binh Exhibition & Convention Centre

場館地址: 446 Hoàng V?n Th?, Ph??ng 4, H? Chí Minh, Vietnam

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議

場館介紹: TBECC is the premier exhibition and convention facility center in Ho Chi Minh City that offers flexibility in venue size. Featuring inter- connected and column-free halls that can be expanded or reduced, easy access freight doors, concrete level floor, cabling trenches, centralised  air-conditioning system  and more. TBECC is the Exhibition facility has played host to numerous international show and events throughout the Indochina region. TBECC is the venue of choice. The Exhibition Center has area more than 10000 square meter  and divided into three Hall


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、垃圾清運(yùn)和押金等現(xiàn)場費(fèi)用,如有需 求可代繳。


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  • 免費(fèi)報(bào)價(jià)


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  • 固話


  • 手機(jī)
  • 固話




  • 1、如何注冊賬戶?

    1)點(diǎn)擊會(huì)展城首頁右上角頂部【注冊】,進(jìn)入注冊頁面... [更多]

  • 2、無法登錄/忘記密碼怎么辦?

    1)點(diǎn)擊會(huì)展城右上角頂部【登錄】,進(jìn)入找回密碼界面... [更多]

  • 3、如何修改賬戶信息?

    1)登錄會(huì)展城,進(jìn)入【會(huì)員中心】... [更多]

  • 4、如何郵箱認(rèn)證,手機(jī)認(rèn)證?

    1)點(diǎn)擊會(huì)展城首頁右上角頂部【注冊】,進(jìn)入注冊頁面... [更多]