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斯威索特卡酒店(Swissôtel Krasnye Holmy)

場館地址: Kosmodamianskaya nab. 52 bld. 6 115054 Moscow Russia

主要目的: 會議,宴會

場館介紹: 斯威索特卡Holmy酒店提供的雞尾酒會,視頻會議,產(chǎn)品發(fā)布會,晚宴,慶?;顒雍突槎Y技術(shù)先進(jìn)的會議和宴會設(shè)施。 18美麗的設(shè)備齊全的宴會廳和會議室。 2個(gè)會議室和一個(gè)獨(dú)特的宴會廳達(dá)沃斯,位于酒店的29樓提供的壯麗景色莫斯科的全景。 當(dāng)代瑞士酒店會議中心,位于酒店附近,設(shè)有7間多功能會議廳,其中包括莫斯科最寬敞的音樂廳之一 - 大宴會廳。

巴什基爾展覽中心(Bashkir Exhibition Center)

場館地址: ul. Mendeleyev, 158 450080 Ufa Russia

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: 探索世界展覽BVK!這是巴什基爾展覽公司的座右銘 - 多展覽,會議,大會在巴什科爾托斯坦共和國主辦方的領(lǐng)先水平。 該公司追溯它的歷史到2003年,并且在組織和開展各種形式和層次活動的豐富經(jīng)驗(yàn)。 展覽BVK多方面的世界,匯集了區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)的各個(gè)領(lǐng)域:建筑,石油和天然氣,工業(yè),能源,農(nóng)業(yè),教育,時(shí)尚,美麗和健康。其中包括為國家等重要事件,國際展“Gaz.Neft.Tehnologii”,“農(nóng)業(yè)綜合體”俄羅斯能源論壇上,工業(yè)展,“論壇UralStroyIndustry”展覽“教育。科學(xué)。工作機(jī)會?!? 每個(gè)項(xiàng)目都有其獨(dú)特巴什基爾展覽公司。展銷會已成為溝通交流的平臺專業(yè)人士,討論有關(guān)話題,充分展示了國家,趨勢和特定行業(yè)的發(fā)展。此外,展會伴有特殊項(xiàng)目和其他業(yè)務(wù)課程,專業(yè)社區(qū)的吸引力。 10年的經(jīng)驗(yàn),現(xiàn)代技術(shù)展覽業(yè)務(wù)的專業(yè)知識,強(qiáng)大的合作伙伴關(guān)系,專業(yè)堅(jiān)實(shí)的團(tuán)隊(duì)讓所有活動在一個(gè)較高的水平,并有合作伙伴和業(yè)務(wù)部門的同事,只有積極的評價(jià)。今天巴什基爾展覽公司是白俄羅斯共和國商會和俄羅斯聯(lián)合展覽會和博覽會(RUEF)的成員。

莫斯科克洛庫斯國際展覽中心(Crocus-Expo IEC)

場館地址: Crocus-Expo IEC, Krasnogorsk, 65-66 km Moscow Ring Road ,Russia

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre is one of the largest and modern fairgrounds of the world, a full member of The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI in categories of Exhibition Organizers and Exhibition Centres. The high status of the complex by many international partners who have chosen Crocus Expo as a platform for their projects holding! Crocus Expo IEC infrastructure allows holding projects of any scale and profile: industrial exhibitions and international salons. Every year the venue accommodates more than 350 events (exhibitions, trade fairs, conventions, conferences and symposiums, corporate partiers and sporting events) and the number of visitors exceeds 10 million per a year. Crocus Expo IEC forms part of Crocus City Trade and Exhibition Complex. The guests of expo centre are welcome to all facilities located in the territory of the “satellite-city” of Moscow. Extra advantage of Crocus Expo IEC is its transport accessibility – the venue is located at the intersection of arterial highways and there is a metro station with exit doors to the pavilions.

索科利尼基會展中心(Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center)

場館地址: Sokolniki Val Str., 1 107113, Moscow Russia

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: The unique pavilions of Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre meet the highest international quality standards for conferences, concerts, sports competitions, corporate events and exhibitions in Moscow . All halls of EC Sokolniki are equipped with modern communications, engineer systems and easy transportation access. Water and power supply, telephone and Internet by dedicated line are available. Technical characteristics of the halls allow to construct standard and exclusive stands. Some halls allow assembly of exhibits with the help of a mobile crane and other facilities. Total exhibition area is around 25 000 sq m.

俄羅斯核研究大學(xué) (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)

場館地址: 115409, Russia, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 31


場館介紹: (MEPhI) was established in pursuance with the Edict of the President of the Russian Federation No 1448 dated October 7, 2008 by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No 480-r dated April 8, 2009. The purpose of establishment of the MEPhI is the provision of human resources and scientific and innovation support to the nuclear industry and other high-technology branches of national economy and social sphere of the Russian Federation relevant to the fields of expertise of the University on the basis of system-based modernization of multi-level professional education within the framework of the unified educational space, ensuring integration of science, education and production. MEPhI TASKS Personal training and retraining in the sphere of modern science-intensive technologies essential for securing national interests of Russia including, among others, in energy and scientific and technological security spheres. Training specialists with highest qualification level (PhD and post-doctoral levels) in science-intensive fields of science. Implementation of scientific research and development projects within the wide spectrum of high-priority directions of science and technology.  MEPhI has widely developed international educational and scientific relations with national laboratories, centers and universities of the USA, with scientific centers, firms, companies and universities of Austria, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, France, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, South Korea, China and other countries.

格羅莫夫飛行研究院 (Gromov Flight Research Institute)

場館地址: Zhukovsky-2 Moscow region, 140182 Russia


場館介紹: Flight Research Institute named after M.M.Gromov is the unique research center that has no equal in the whole world - the Gromov Flight Research Institute, named after Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov, a legendary test pilot. The Flight Research Institute is a research and development establishment, which handles the most relevant problems of aviation and cosmonautics with the methods of scientific experiment using flying laboratories, model, test, and production planes. History :The Flight Research Institute was founded on March 8,1941, in accordance with the Act of the Sovnarkom (Council of People Commissars) of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party (of Bolshevists). Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov, a legendary test pilot and a Hero of the Soviet Union, became its first chief. From the very beginning the Institute has been meant to perform the following jobs: participation in development and testing of aircraft and airborne systems, and conduction of flight research in order to pave the way to further scientific activities.

克拉斯納亞普萊斯納亞世博中心(Expocentr' Krasnaya Presnya Fairgrounds)

場館地址: 14, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya,Moscow 123100,Russia


場館介紹: Today Expocentre Fairgrounds comprises nine fully equipped exhibition pavilions with the most modern infrastructure and facilities, multifunctional halls for conventions, press conferences, meetings, seminars and symposia. The total exhibition space at Expocentre Fairgrounds in 165,000 sqm comprising 105,000 sqm of indoor space and 60,000 sqm of outdoor space.

莫斯科紅寶石展覽中心 Expocentre at Krasnaya Presnya

場館地址: Москва,Краснопресненская наб., 14

主要目的: 國際貿(mào)易,展覽

場館介紹:   俄羅斯Expocentre展覽公司在2009年慶祝其成立50周年,它在國際貿(mào)易展覽會擁有著領(lǐng)導(dǎo)組織者的地位。   Expocentre 是最古老的俄羅斯全球展覽業(yè)協(xié)會(UFI,1975年),在2005年舉辦過72個(gè)主要國際組織的展覽大會。   展館總面積150萬平方米,每年超過100個(gè)國際展覽會在此展覽。


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