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溫布利球場(chǎng)(WEMBLEY STADIUM)

場(chǎng)館地址: Wembley, London HA9 0WS

主要目的: 展覽

場(chǎng)館介紹: 溫布利球場(chǎng)(Wembley Stadium)是一個(gè)位于英格蘭倫敦的溫布利的專業(yè)足球場(chǎng)。球場(chǎng)擁有90,000個(gè)座位,容量為歐洲第二大,僅次于諾坎普球場(chǎng),溫布利球場(chǎng)上的天幕所占面積是全球第一大,看臺(tái)對(duì)面可眺望到溫布利體育館。隨著溫布利球場(chǎng)重開(kāi)后,一般把這個(gè)球場(chǎng)命名為“新溫布利球場(chǎng)”以分別出兩個(gè)新舊的溫布利球場(chǎng)。 舊溫布利球場(chǎng)于1923年建成,別號(hào)為“帝國(guó)球場(chǎng)”,曾是世界上知名的足球體育場(chǎng),因地理位置處于英格蘭首府倫敦,因此成為英格蘭足球代表隊(duì)的主場(chǎng)。曾五度主辦歐洲冠軍杯(現(xiàn)時(shí)的歐洲冠軍聯(lián)賽)決賽,是十七個(gè)主辦世界杯足球賽決賽的球場(chǎng)之一。在2003年,新球場(chǎng)工程開(kāi)展,原先球場(chǎng)的結(jié)構(gòu)則被拆毀。原先預(yù)定于2006年完工,但后來(lái)延期到2007后上旬,于2007年3月9日完工,球場(chǎng)的擁有權(quán)交給了英格蘭足球總會(huì)。


場(chǎng)館地址: London Heathrow Stockley Road, West Drayton Middlesex , UB7 9NA UK

主要目的: 會(huì)議,宴會(huì)

場(chǎng)館介紹: 這家方便、令人輕松的現(xiàn)代倫敦希思羅酒店靠近所有的機(jī)場(chǎng)候機(jī)樓,其中包括5號(hào)航站樓。   您可以在高速公路交界找到酒店,距離高速公路2分鐘車程。距離倫敦市中心20分鐘車程或從機(jī)場(chǎng)候機(jī)樓乘坐希思羅機(jī)場(chǎng)快線,交通十分便利。   4星級(jí)豪華的Crowne Plaza倫敦希思羅酒店地理位置優(yōu)越,靠近希思羅機(jī)場(chǎng),提供465間設(shè)備齊全和寬敞的客房,包括貴賓房,行政套房,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)客房,家庭無(wú)障礙客房,還有一個(gè)俱樂(lè)部休閑室。

英國(guó)阿伯丁會(huì)展中心 (AECC)

場(chǎng)館地址: Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8BL, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議,宴會(huì),體育賽事

場(chǎng)館介紹: AECC is one of the only conference centres in the UK with our own in-house teams for Catering, Exhibition, PCO, AV/IT and Event Management. AECC is known as the National Energy Exhibition Centre. AECC host a total of 569 events per year, with a total footfall of  207,665 visitors! AECC and Aberdeen are very accessible with great transport links to this historic and successful city, and to some of Scotland’s finest scenery and heritage! Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) was established as a Limited Liability Company in 1985, when the Centre at the Bridge of Don first opened, built primarily as a permanent Venue to house Offshore Europe.

倫敦奧林匹亞展覽中心(Olympia Exhibition Center)

場(chǎng)館地址: Hammersmith Road,Kensington, London W14 8UX,UK - United Kingdom

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議

場(chǎng)館介紹: Hammersmith Road,Kensington, London W14 8UX,UK - United Kingdom Olympia is an exhibition centre, event space and conference centre in West Kensington, London, England. Opened in 1886 as the National Agricultural Hall, it was built by Andrew Handyside and Company of Derby[1] and covered an area of 4 acres (16,000 m2). The Grand Hall, 450 feet (140 m) in length, by 250 feet (76 m) in breadth, was said to be the largest building in the United Kingdom covered by one span of iron and glass. It now features four event venues and a conference centre. The event venues are Olympia Grand (19,325m2), Olympia National (8,730m2), Olympia Central (formerly Two) (7,850m2) and Olympia West (7,688m2). The nearest railway station is Kensington (Olympia) which is both a London Overground station and on the District line of the London Underground.

英國(guó)范堡羅國(guó)際展覽中心Farnborough International Venue & Events

場(chǎng)館地址: ETPS Road Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6FD

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議

場(chǎng)館介紹: Situated adjacent to TAG Farnborough Airport, the FIVE site is completely private and comprises more than 100,000 sqm of outdoor space, currently around half of which is laid to hard-standing. The site lends itself well to outdoor teambuilding activities and to building all types of temporary structure for exhibitions, business-to-business shows and public events, as well as facilitating ample free parking. The FIVE venue itself provides over 3,000 sqm of clear-span and unbranded indoor event space with a high-spec technical fit out throughout and including a mezzanine area, kitchens and office facilities. The FIVE venue provides the ideal blank canvas on which to create large-scale conferences, dinners and exhibitions.


場(chǎng)館地址: The National Exhibition Centre Birmingham B40 1NT., Birmingham

主要目的: 展覽,會(huì)議,演唱會(huì),宴會(huì),體育賽事

場(chǎng)館介紹: The NEC is the UK’s No.1 venue with over 500 events in total held in 2013/14. One of Europe’s leading exhibition and event centres, the NEC offers flexible space for any of your events, including ready-made layouts and blank canvases which spark innovation and creativity. Indoors - over 182,000 square metres of indoor space, 20 interconnecting halls, 34 specialist conference and meetings suites and the 15,643 capacity LG Arena on site.   Outdoors - over 160 acres of hard-standing and 75 acres of woodland to take the shows and the action into the open air too! The NEC is the biggest and best exhibition and events venue in the UK.  And we keep on getting better and better – that’s why we’re No. 1!  Anything and everything is possible at the NEC!

索爾福德大學(xué)(University of Salford, MediaCityUK)

場(chǎng)館地址: The University of Salford, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT, UK

主要目的: 會(huì)議

場(chǎng)館介紹: 英國(guó)索爾福德大學(xué)一直被公認(rèn)為英國(guó)老牌大學(xué)中的佼佼者,其前身是創(chuàng)建于1896年的皇家技術(shù)學(xué)院,1967年獲得皇家許可正式成立為綜合大學(xué),伊麗莎白女王的丈夫愛(ài)丁堡公爵曾擔(dān)任我校25年的名譽(yù)校長(zhǎng)。 索爾福德大學(xué)以其優(yōu)質(zhì)的教學(xué)質(zhì)量,不斷創(chuàng)新的教學(xué)方式和面向就業(yè)的課程設(shè)置而著稱。2008年英國(guó)高等教育質(zhì)量監(jiān)管局(QAA)發(fā)布的最新高等教育數(shù)據(jù)顯示,索爾福德大學(xué)的教學(xué)質(zhì)量在全英110多所大學(xué)中名列前10。 同時(shí),在英格蘭西北部國(guó)際學(xué)生滿意度調(diào)查活動(dòng)中,索爾福德大學(xué)高居第2位。英國(guó)政府針對(duì)大學(xué)的研究水平評(píng)估數(shù)據(jù)顯示,索爾福德大學(xué)83%的研究項(xiàng)目達(dá)到"國(guó)際認(rèn)可"水準(zhǔn)。索爾福德大學(xué)是最早引入"三明治"程的學(xué)校之一,現(xiàn)有90%的本科課程設(shè)置有三明治課程,74%的本科生得到實(shí)習(xí)機(jī)會(huì)。索爾福德大學(xué)還是2013年英國(guó)貿(mào)易投資總署頒發(fā)的英格蘭西北地區(qū)中國(guó)業(yè)務(wù)成就大獎(jiǎng)的獲得者。 索爾福德大學(xué)21,000在校生中包括約300名中國(guó)學(xué)生。大學(xué)綠草蔥蔥的校園緊依曼徹斯特市中心,5分鐘公共汽車車程。曼徹斯特是一座國(guó)際化的現(xiàn)代都市,是歐洲最大的大學(xué)城,曼聯(lián)隊(duì)是世界上最成功的足球俱樂(lè)部之一。英國(guó)第2大的唐人街位于曼徹斯特市中心,中國(guó)學(xué)生生活尤其方便。

城市農(nóng)莊酒店(Grange City Hotel)

場(chǎng)館地址: 8-14 Cooper’s Row, London EC3N 2BQ

主要目的: 會(huì)議,宴會(huì)

場(chǎng)館介紹: 城市農(nóng)莊酒店臨近倫敦泰晤士河,豪華極致,將倫敦塔和倫敦橋的景色一覽無(wú)余。酒店有著悠久的歷史,融合了古羅馬城墻的僅存遺跡。從古羅馬哨兵站崗時(shí)期至今,城墻仍然保存完好。位于倫敦商業(yè)中心,酒店擁有12種不同類型的會(huì)議室,大至600人的商業(yè)會(huì)議,小至私人聚會(huì),皆能一一滿足需求。

石拱門(mén)酒店 Thistle Marble Arch hotel

場(chǎng)館地址: +44 845 305 8327

主要目的: 會(huì)議,宴會(huì)

場(chǎng)館介紹:  Central London location overlooking Oxford Street, two minutes walk from Marble    Arch underground station and opposite Hyde Park 位于倫敦中心市區(qū),從地鐵站去石拱門(mén)和海德公園步行只要10分鐘 ?  692 spacious bedrooms, including Suites 692間寬敞的臥室,包括套間在內(nèi) ?  Lounge bar, grill, coffee bar, gym, theatre desk, executive lounge 休息室酒吧、燒烤、咖啡酒吧,健身房,劇院的辦公桌,行政酒廊于一體 ?  12 meeting and function rooms 12間會(huì)議廳和多功能廳 ?  Check in time from 3pm on the day of arrival 入住時(shí)間從當(dāng)天下午3點(diǎn)開(kāi)始

五月花公園Mayflower Park

場(chǎng)館地址: Mayflower Park/Town Quay, Southampton SO15 1AG

主要目的: 展覽

場(chǎng)館介紹: Home of the International Boat Show, the biggest boat show in Europe to take place on water, Mayflower Park has a wonderful location on the banks of the River Test. It is an ideal spot from which to watch the river and the ships coming in and going out, with great views of the wonderful New Forest as well. You may even be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the QE2 or the Arcadia. It is a great place for a picnic, with much to see and do. Facilities include a cafe, skate park, play area and paddling pool, as well as roller hockey and soccer pitches and a basketball court.


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、垃圾清運(yùn)和押金等現(xiàn)場(chǎng)費(fèi)用,如有需 求可代繳。


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  • 3、如何修改賬戶信息?

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