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奧特羅•梅利諾•比利茲國際機場Arturo Merino Benitez

場館地址: Pudahuel, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: FIDAE’s fair venue, located at Pudahuel Air Base, is an all-embracing business centre, designed to satisfy all kind of commercial requirements, where trade guests and delegations will notice on site the latest technological innovations displayed, as well as witness in-flight and static demonstrations shown during the Fair. FIDAE has also modern facilities such as a meeting centre, a conference centre, a press centre, exhibition pavilions, an outdoor display and an aircraft static display park. Additionally, you will find different options to facilitate your visit such as food court, resting areas, and parking lots.


場館地址: Avenida El Salto 5000, Huechuraba, Santiago de Chile.

主要目的: 展覽,會議,宴會

場館介紹: It is the Event Center and most important of Chile Convention. It has an infrastructure of 27,000 sqm covered halls and pavilions deployed in a total area of 160,000 square meters and more than 2,500 parking lots that allow the realization of all kinds of events.

馬波喬火車站文化中心(Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho)

場館地址: Plaza de la Cultura s/n Santiago de Chili Chile

主要目的: 展覽,會議,宴會

場館介紹: 博會展館是一個總面積達12000平方米,這又是整除(為了使用)到4000平方米每3等間隔的室內(nèi)溫水結(jié)構(gòu)。這些館2號館3號館4。

Base Aeronaval Viña del Mar

場館地址: Concon, Viña del Mar,5ª Región of Valparaíso - Chile

主要目的: 展覽

場館介紹: 暫無。

Puerto Montt

場館地址: Puerto Montt Chile

主要目的: 展覽,宴會

場館介紹: Puerto Montt is a port city and commune in southern Chile, located at the northern end of the Reloncaví Sound in the Llanquihue Province, Los Lagos Region, 1,055 km to the south of the capital, Santiago.

智利安托法加斯塔Atacama Desert

場館地址: Ilustre Municipalidad de Antofagasta Avenida Séptimo de Línea 3505

主要目的: 展覽,會議

場館介紹: After constant monitoring and coordination with the various institutions of the Emergency Committee, the Red Alert rose by bad weather front for the Region of Antofagasta. Since the beginning of precipitation, about 2:00 am, the Municipality deployed its team addresses Emergencies and Operations, Public Safety and Community Development Directorate, closely following the situation in the towns and avenues the city. In this regard, Mayor Karen Red delivered a report indicating that "from 2:30 am constitute the Community COE which allowed us to be in different parts of the city until this hour, in short we believe that in general all it is within normal limits. We have no victims to mourn or victims. The main damage that we are public spaces, especially in the southern part of the city, so we hope the report that we will submit to the ONEMI, have the resources and the important support of the Regional Government to recover quickly Antofagasta different points. "   So far no victims or people in shelters in the 5 qualified establishments throughout the city as part of the contingency plan are reported. The Dideco has worked with 150 neighborhood associations in the district to determine involvement and has distributed 2,000 plastic in one hundred percent of the neighborhood units affected. The Emergency Management and Operations works with motor pump for normalization of the Parque Los Pinares sector, one of the most affected by water accumulation. According to the report of the Community Planning Secretariat, the appearance of a sinkhole is recorded in the Coviefi sector, Avenida Mar del Plata, against which the type of civil work is evaluated to be performed as a final solution. In coordination with Aguas Antofagasta, working to normalize the flooded areas of the city and the power company is conducting the respective repairs in areas where power outages occurred, especially in public lighting. After constant monitoring and coordination with the various institutions of the Emergency Committee, the Red Alert rose by bad weather front for the Region of Antofagasta. Since the beginning of precipitation, about 2:00 am, the Municipality deployed its team addresses Emergencies and Operations, Public Safety and Community Development Directorate, closely following the situation in the towns and avenues the city. In this regard, Mayor Karen Red delivered a report indicating that "from 2:30 am constitute the Community COE which allowed us to be in different parts of the city until this hour, in short we believe that in general all it is within normal limits. We have no victims to mourn or victims. The main damage that we are public spaces, especially in the southern part of the city, so we hope the report that we will submit to the ONEMI, have the resources and the important support of the Regional Government to recover quickly Antofagasta different points. "   So far no victims or people in shelters in the 5 qualified establishments throughout the city as part of the contingency plan are reported. The Dideco has worked with 150 neighborhood associations in the district to determine involvement and has distributed 2,000 plastic in one hundred percent of the neighborhood units affected. The Emergency Management and Operations works with motor pump for normalization of the Parque Los Pinares sector, one of the most affected by water accumulation. According to the report of the Community Planning Secretariat, the appearance of a sinkhole is recorded in the Coviefi sector, Avenida Mar del Plata, against which the type of civil work is evaluated to be performed as a final solution. In coordination with Aguas Antofagasta, working to normalize the flooded areas of the city and the power company is conducting the respective repairs in areas where power outages occurred, especially in public lighting.


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